Monday, April 6, 2015

Rejection Timeline

I see rejection as a point of no return. It insert bitterness and dissatisfy motion in human heart. No one will love the feeling of rejection. I am now in the position of finding a balance between losing hope and struggle till the last buzzer sound. It's indeed so challenging and jeopardize harmony in my daily routine. I don't feel good at all time. My brain is processing so fast to ensure that I should be able to generalize everything and keep moving on. I apply so many university, even the unpopular one. Sending emails here and there. Browsing and communicating at all time and it end up of waiting and stuck in the boredom. Oh Allah, i seek for the strength from You. I have only You in the running of this high pressure event. Not only me, all of us.

I'll keep all of the storyline just to remind me of how struggle i am to get a place to further my PhD.

I thanked those who support me. Those who always remind me to keep moving on and don't stop.

I should continue walking and moving.
and don't ever giving up.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tamat is Tamat


No nice meaning in it. Unpredictable future. 
Imbalance of emotion. Lots of confusion.
No one is going to write the real story.
We're down to the maximum negative pressure.
Oh Allah, in this down and fall,
I seek a great strength from You so
I would see the light at the end of every tunnel. 

I hope there will be ONE university that will accept me
the way I am and give me the offer letter. 

Simple je kan.